Tuesday, February 15, 2011

GNO Alabama vs Auburn Gym Meet

 Our new annual tradition at work is to get together and go to an Alabama Gym Meet.(It was a good deal too... ticket to the meet and supper all for 7.50!!)  Now this is hard for some of us, because as you can see we have a lot of Auburn fans at work!! This year we finally got the timing right and went to the Iron Bowl of Gymnastics!!! Going into this, I had already checked the rankings and knew that the Tigers probably didn't stand a chance... Sad to say that they indeed did lose, but we had such a blast watching the two teams tumble, especially the Heisman pose that one of the Auburn girls struck during her floor routine! (Which brought a lot of Boos from the students!)Fun was had by all that attended, no matter who won! I don't think I will be able to forget the crazy dance cam and Shanna's attempt to get on the big screen! (check out the link if you dare!!)

Me and Ashley
Shanna, Stephanie, and Melissa

The Auburn girls: Melissa, Shanna, Me, & Whitney

The Bama girls: Magan, Stephanie, & Ashley

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