Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mom always said "don't play ball in the house"

Nothing says fun like a good ole game of baseball in the house, right?? It has been a little frigid outside! Luckily, unlike the Brady Bunch, these boys did not break anything while they were playing! The important thing, as you can see by their faces is that they had a great time being boys, and brothers!! Hope you enjoy!!

John Emory is convinced that he is big enough to play baseball and Eric is ready to play this year! Too bad JE has to wait another year :(  We took Eric to Taylorville Baseball Complex and signed him up for ball today! I'll share that picture in a little bit b/c it's on my phone and not downloaded to the computer yet! Eric is super excited and will be playing with some friends from school! The great thing is the field is right next to the schools playground, so JE will have something to do, if I can keep him off the field!! Wish us luck!!

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