Camp O’Rear, Jasper, AL aka hard to find in the middle of nowhere!!We had a great time and got to meet some new friends!!

Leaving Tuscaloosa!!
When we first arrived, we met with the Jasper Boy Scout Troop and participated in a Flag Retirement Ceremony, followed by a short night hike and then back to camp to put up the tents for the boys and make some s’mores! (luckily the adults got to sleep on bunk beds in a cabin!)
The boys stayed up pretty late that night and Eric informed me that he woke up outside the tent?? (not real sure about this one) But other than that, he enjoyed it!
The next day the scouts were divided into groups to do some fun games that were designed to help them learn to work together.
The object of this one was to get a ball into a bucket using strings and and small ring… they had a lot of trouble with it!
Here they are trying to walk together… they fell a lot!!
getting untangled from the human knot… they did this one pretty easy
Kool-Aid Break!
Hiking Time!!
(this bridge was not fun to cross with a bunch of boys!!)
Eric and I had a great time and a great experience! Hate his daddy and brother had to miss it! I know there will be plenty more trips to go on though! We got back in time to watch the end of the Auburn game… War Eagle!! Great game, glad I didn’t miss the ending! Later that night we went to a scout swim party, sorry no pics! Then came home to crash for the night. You know, it’s sad when sleeping late the next day means getting up at 7:30, before the kids! Oh well, at least we made it to church on time, however did not make it to Shanna’s Jewelry party today, sorry but I was exhausted and tired of fighting kids in public places!! Hope it went well!! OH, almost forgot, If anyone wants to buy popcorn, the Scouts are selling it, just give me a holler!!
Hope we have a nice relaxing week, oh wait we have baseball and a den meeting! Oh well! maybe next week!!