Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Weekend Birthday Fun = super tired monday!

This weekend we had lots of celebrations going on! And unfortunately Jamie had to work the whole weekend and missed all the fun :( First up is this girl in the pic below... If you can believe it, this is my niece Rebecca! I know it's so hard to believe how grown up she looks! And folks, she is officially a teenager now!! What are we gonna do?? Do you realize this also means she will be driving in THREE years!! yup! Makes me feel really old now! (and on a side note, if she is 13 then that means Jamie and I have been together for 13years now!! We met right before she was born. Wow!!) To make her day special, we surprised her with a party at Super Skate! Her daddy really surprised her with that nice new guitar she's strumming there! Cool present John!

Here she is opening presents with two of the cutest little fellas I know!

Eric taking in some of the artwork in the party room!
John and Amii
Poor Rebecca has to entertain us at her birthday party! JK she is really enjoying playing with her new guitar! And there is little sis Caroline having a good time too!
Yummy, Cookie Co. nuff said!
Taking a break from the vigorous skating!
This blurry dark figure is Eric skating! and might I add, he is doing much better than last time! Only fell a few times!
If you look real close, you can see Jason and Jenni! I know horrible pics, but what can you do while you're at the skating rink? Am I right or what? We had to leave unfortunately a little earlier than expected because my very talented brother john got hurt doing some acrobatic flips while skating! No, really he did! It was however not on purpose! He was skating, minding his own business, when some little kid (not mine) fell in front of him.... from what I hear (because of course I missed it) he jumped over the kid, did a flip in the air and then rolled a few times when he landed! Wish I had seen that! Glad we did not have to call the ambulance though and I hope you are feeling better!! We had a great time celebrating Rebecca's birthday! Can't wait to do it again! I am really starting to enjoy these skating parties, may make it a weekly thing.... We will see! Anyone else wanna go with? 

Next up, 3 boys in a box!! On Sunday, we had the honor of attending JE's good friend Mac's 3rd birthday party! What fun this was! Melanie (and Brett) did a great job of getting everything ready! It's the  Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!
JE taking time to paint a pumpkin an appropriate Halloween color: Black
Eric munching on some snacks and yes a cupcake he stole before the birthday boy blew out the candles! Sorry Mel!
I know, not a good pic, but that's the birthday boy blowing out the candles... now you can have a cupcake!
Bobbing for apples!

Ah yes, and David Turner who was the unfortunate victim of a cupcake incident!  
Good times were had by all that attended! Thanks for having us, but after all that partying, I still had to go to work on Monday= long, tired week! (But worth it)

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