Monday, July 30, 2012

The Boys first Braves Game

We decided to take the boys to see the Braves play this year.... what a blast they had! Great experience! They love the Braves! Eric was so excited to see Chipper Jones play and is on the search for every Chipper card he can find! He has moved most of his fire stuff around so he can now set up his Baseball Display, complete with his Jersey, pants, and socks(?).
my crazy kids, never want to pose normal for a picture!

Look...The Braves!

Finally, a semi-decent pic... at least they are both smiling!

entering the field, getting ready to run the bases!!

Hanging out by the Braves dug out!

Lined up ready to run those bases....

I don't think JE ever actually touched home plate!

Great running guys! Wish they would have let the parents run too! That would have been awesome!
official braves fan photos here  they are in pics 40 and 42 rounding 2nd! 

Our family Pic is #7554 or 7555...

We will definitely make another trip to see the Braves play! Maybe you can join us next time... there were plenty of seats left available!

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