Thursday, January 27, 2011

Funny Hat day 2011

Funny Hat Day for John Emory!! 1/27/11!
Here is the hat that we borrowed from a friend for him to wear! His teacher Mrs. Janet said he loved wearing all morning!! We sure are lucky to have such wonderful teachers for him!! He loves to go to his school and actually cried when he left yesterday!!
 Here he is with a funny hat he made at school! I kept trying to get a pic of him wearing it, however he would not cooperate!! As you can see in the pics below!!
 Anywhere but on his head!!
 "Here Eric you wear it! I'm running from crazy momma with the camera!"
 Here is at least a picture of the hat! It's really cute! Reminds me of something they would wear in whoville!
 Almost got a pic of it on him!
 I told him if you want to go out you have to put on a hat! That finally got the hat on him, however I couldn't get him smiling and looking at the camera!! Should I get a better pic... I will get it up for you guys, but it's not looking so good!!!

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