Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Neat little find

So, I will go ahead and admit that I am among the worlds worst at the whole baby book stuff..... Pure madness at my house... see the pile of stuff that I need to go through and neatly organize to put together baby books!! Just taking pictures of this overwhelms me!!! AGHHHHH!!!!! Where to start, where to start??? So I was online the other day and some how came across this nifty little site

How great is this , an online baby book!! I can add pictures and text and then have it printed out!! Cool huh! I will probably be more apt to record some of the stuff there before I would actually write it down! I don't like my handwriting anyways, so this is win - win right?? We will see in time how this goes! Maybe, just maybe I will eventually get through all those boxes of stuff and organize them!! (I can dream right!!) In the mean time, if anyone wants to volunteer to come do this for me... come on over!

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