Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Meet my little Shark!!

okay, well I'm sorry if you are a little sensitive to mouth pictures, so don't look!!

Meet my son the Shark! New Years he started to complain about his mouth hurting! I just thought it was his teeth getting loose... boy was I wrong. When I got a good look in his mouth I saw a little white top of a tooth coming in BEHIND HIS BABY TEETH!!!! I freaked out a little bit and called mom... She thought it was okay and that either Jason or I had also done this... (I don't remember) He had a dentist appointment the next week, so we didn't worry about it too much. We go to the dentist and he calls it "Shark Rowing"  He said it's okay and his baby teeth should fall out soon. So he doesn't pull the baby teeth, but mentions seeing an orthodontist at 7!! Orthodontist?? Did I hear that right? Guess we will start our braces saving account!! So here we are a month after his permanent teeth reared their ugly heads and his baby teeth have yet to fall out!! They are loose, but no other signs of the coming out. He won't wiggle them because it hurts and I won't wiggle them because I have issues with loose teeth! When I was young and loosing them, I would not go to bed with a loose tooth because I was scared I would swallow it, and what good is a tooth you don't have for the tooth fairy!! I would get ice and numb my gum until I could pull it out!! Crazy huh!!???Hopefully he and his daddy can wiggle those babies right out soon!! He's got a tooth fairy pillow that's waiting for a tooth!!

1 comment:

MELANIE said...

Wow! That's crazy! Hope his little mouth isn't hurting. I think Harrison had some sort of appliance by the time he was five. They start them early these days.