Thursday, February 10, 2011

Surprise! It's a party!!!

February is the month that my youngest Niece, Caroline, was born in!! She is just a few months behind Eric! Since she lives in Dothan, we don't always get to celebrate at her friend party, so my Mom had a great idea to throw her a surprise party last weekend!! Everyone except the kids, mom and John met at Chuck E. Cheese for the big event. The kids went on a treasure hunt, compliments of the "Treasure Genie" aka John. Once they got there, Caroline was completely surprised as you can see by the look on her face!! Total Shock!! Took her a few minutes to realize it was a birthday party for her!! Meanwhile Eric is saying "Where are my presents?"

Eric, Rebecca, and Caroline getting ready to eat and go play! Let me tell you this place was nuts on this day!! Warning to other parents: Do Not Go To Chuck E. Cheese On SATURDAY!!! Yes, I know you could probably guess that one for yourself!
This little guy had a blast!! He absolutely loved running around and putting tokens in machines and getting tickets! The prize he ended up with after cashing in his tickets, he sadly broke the next day :( Oh well, one less piece of junk, er I mean one less toy to keep up with!! :)
He loved the horse and had to be pulled off kicking and screaming!!

This was just to cute not to include in the post!! I was trying to distract him so he would leave Caroline alone while opening presents!!
Didn't work very long!!

The life of a preteen! We are too boring so she must text her friends!! Hope daddy has unlimited texting on that phone!!
And lastly, here they are enjoying some of that fabulous chocolate Chuck E. Cheese cake! Eric, the sweet boy that he is, set the table for us!!

We had a great time celebrating Caroline's 6th birthday!! Don't know how we will top it next year!! So great to spend time with the family!!
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